Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Since I've been off sick for the past two days, I don't really have anything to blog about other than I'm glad that I managed to nab a few seasons of the very funny "Family Guy" on DVD in HMV last week as it's given me something to watch and cheer me up whilst I'm convalescing.

Oh, yeah. My XBOX360 is broken and Microsoft's free helpline is perma-engaged so I've had to e-mail them and wait for a reply, one day...*sigh* Microsoft helpline hell again...


Anonymous said...

Family Guy is worth blogging about. It's a good remedy and comfort for anybody who's feeling ill.

I really love the photo by the way. It reminds me of when Mike and I finally decided to get together, on a chilly evening on The Queen's Walk, underneath a tree that blocked one of those lights, the leaves causing the light to speckle around like disco lighting...

I hope Microsoft get their act together at some point.

Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

The Microsoft line is always engaged? Do you think this is due to staffing levels, or really by products?

doobrie said...
