Boy! Life can be so mundane, sometimes. The other day, I was walking along the road with my other half when we spotted a monkey swinging on a lamp post down the Marylebone High Street.
Okay, so the zoo is only just down the road but it's still not something you'd expect to see every day in this area! I recognised it as a Capuchin.
It just swung there and stared at us.
Next thing we know it's throwing it's own excretions at random people in the street. They all went screaming away when they realised what was happening. We were a safe distance away and laughed our heads off.
But things got stranger. Further down the road, coming out of a pottery/china job (or whatever the proper term is) was another monkey. The rather rotund male shopkeeper was chasing it out with a broom in a way that was so comical it literally looked like something out of a cartoon.
The strange thing about this monkey was that it was wearing a waistcoat. Yes, a frigging tailored, small monkey-sized waist coat! It ran past us, past the other monkey and down the road, its tail coats flapping behind.
The shopkeeper, huffing and puffing, gave up and stopped at the base of the lamp post that its mate was hanging off. Bad idea.
Wack!Monkey poo right on to his head! It was a large red, bald head the type that would have been far too hard for a monkey to resist poo target practice against.
"Bulls eye! 10 points!" someone in the street shouted out.
It took the shopkeeper a few long seconds to realise what had just happened. I swear, his face turned bright purple. He started swearing at the monkey, out of his reach, waving his broom around.
A woman walked past on the other side of the road with a little boy. The boy couldn't stop staring at the sight of the monkey, and who could blame him? The woman was at the same time trying to both drag him away and cover his ears from the rather imaginative expletives coming out of the shopkeeper's mouth.
She looked disapprovingly across the road at him, ignoring the monkey, as if it was an ordinary everyday sight, and tut tutted at the man.
A large, black American sedan-style car suddenly pulled up by the lamp post from which the monkey dangled. We hadn't noticed it at all even though it would have had to drive past us to get to the commotion unfolding in front of us.
Its engine was silent and it's windows tinted a dark mauve.
As if on cue, the monkey swung down off the lamp post, skipped around the irate shopkeeper and hopped into the car, the rear door of which, I just noticed, was slightly ajar.
And that was that! The car drove off. We had no idea what had just happened.
Isn't life just so mundane sometimes?!