Sunday, December 18, 2005

Time an arrow. Fruit a banana.

ACK! Where did my week go? And can I have it back? I kind-of need it...

Well, some stupid cold has caught up with me this weekend after I got back from seeing the excellent 'King Kong' down the flicks yesterday morning.

Since then I've not left the house....not even once. It's runny snot city and cough central at the moment with me and I have a raging temperature. *sigh*

I was due to go to a Black-Eyed Peas gig tonight but couldn't even do that :(

At least, you'll be pleased to hear that my Hotmail Plus issue got sorted last week. (sort of). I had a few more robotic replies along the lines of the previous posts and just as I was at the end of my tether, I got a reply from someone who wasn't a robot (or else was very good AI but then this is Microsoft that we're talking about, so probably not.)

They gave me a UK number to call! Alleluiah!

And in 5 minutes the issue was sorted. They had to credit me the joining fee and then get me to rejoin though.

Unfortunately my online bank statement says otherwise. No credit, just debit. *sigh*

Remain calm...breath slowly....too ill to care at the moment.

The next episode of the NTL muppet show that is Bulgarian Bert and his Supervisor Superfluous Ernie are due to pay me a visit tomorrow morning too to actually connect up my phone (more than 2 weeks after their original visit and 2 months after I ordered it!)

Much badness is that they are due between 8:30 and 9am. *sigh* Just when I needed a lie in.

I sooooo hope that they bring the keys to the switch box this time...Can you imagine Bulgarian Bert turning up a third time and saying "Sorrrrrry. I no rrrrrealise same flat......again."

!!!Slaaaaaaammmmmmmm!!! Squeeeeelch!!!!

That's the sound of his foot in my door as I slam it in his face. For added effect, perhaps I should look up some Bulgarian swear words tonight? Hmmm, this should do the job.

Anyway, fingers crossed it all turns out better. My TiVo box that relies on dialing up to get programme guides has now run out and I have had to be extra careful to ensure that my mobile is charged up else I go all incommunicado.

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