Friday, May 18, 2007

100 minutes

The alarm goes off at 07:30.

Unlike yesterday (when I was still deeply sleeping at this point), I actually hear it straight away and get up.

Aim to leave the house by 08:30 but fail and get out 3 minutes late. (Every minute counts as usually I manage to just miss a bus.)

Wait impatiently for the traffic lights (that always take ages) to change allowing me to cross the road to the side that the bus stop is on.

I cross over (eventually), look back, spot the bus approaching and jog the hundred or so yards I need to to make sure that I catch the bus without breaking too much of a sweat.

It's a long bendy bus. Mayor Ken wants to change it into a tram 2.5 times longer. Everyone who lives near these narrow streets knows that it's not practical but what does he care?

Sit on the back seat by the engine, my rucksack on top of the engine casing.

Read a book that I just bought 'Nova Swing' by M. John Harrison. Usually I read the Economist (I like to keep up with international news on some of the places I've travelled to) but I finished this week's copy a day early.

The journey is quicker than it's been all of this week. The traffic is less, for some reason.

I get off the bus and walk toward the station.

Pop into the corner shop by the station and buy a drink for lunchtime. Today it's a nice "low fat" choc milk drink.

Walking out of the shop I can hear someone whistling whilst they walk.

I stride into the station, overtaking people who haven't woken up yet and are still walking around in a zombie-like slumber. Or perhaps they are zombies? From "The Zombies Of Shepherds Bush" a little known B Movie by a relatively unknown director from yesteryear.

I jig down the escalator. I can still hear whistling. I look around. The culprit is a man with headphones on walking down behind me.

Down the platform to get away from him. He walks past me further down the platform, still whistling. Thankfully the sound of his annoying tune is drowned out as he walks further along and is replaced by the gush of wind coming down the tunnel from White City announcing that the train is about to enter the station.

I work out roughly where I know the door will be when the train stops but somebody else has already done the same and beaten me to it. So I wait patiently beside them.

The doors open and I get on.

There're two spare seats but the occupants on either side of each are rather "large" and I decide to lean against the end partition instead and carry on reading. It's early days with the book as I only started reading it last night but it's going well so far.

No problems with the train. I have plenty of breathing room for a change. Nobody pushing themselves against me or knocking into me with their rucksack/handbag/luggage.

I watch as people get on and off and my stop gets closer.

We arrive. I get out and head straight up the "emergency exit only" stairs to the escalator and out to fresh air. It smells good. Okay, not that good but better than underground air.

A nice breeze cools me off as I stroll around the corner to work.

I arrive at 09:10 and start counting down the time until the end of the day and the start of the weekend ahead...

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