I had a few viewings before any of the marketing had gone out but strangely enough since the actual marketing has now popped up in the local paper, agents' windows and on the main internet property sites, it's all gone very quiet.
To be honest I'm not 100% happy with the pictures. They either:
a) Make my flat look somewhat smaller than it actually is.
b) Make my flat look a lot more over-exposed in colour tone than it actually is.
c) Act as a good excuse for some nice local burglers to pop around as they show off the location of my PC, scanner and camera.
In terms of the actual viewings, there were a number of excuses over things they didn't like
a) Didn't like the location: Acton.
- Go figure. Why were they looking in Acton then?
b) Didn't like the Somalian cafe down the road and the locals hanging around outside it.
- I've never even noticed them until that comment was made but they're old geezers hanging out at their usual haunt not street hardened "hoodies!"
c) Didn't like the fact that part of the view out of the window (to the right) was of the local high rise estate. If you're wondering what this looks like, it's the building used as the exterior for "Nelson Mandela House" in the comedy "Only Fools and Horses."
- But look to the left and the view sweeps out as far as the south-side of the Thames. I can see the white roof of Earl's Court exhibition centre to the far left, Crystal Palace's transmission tower to the right of this, Fulham FC's floodlights to the right of this and a lovely vista with no tall buildings for about four or so miles beyond this. At night the lights in buildings in the distance twinkle and create quite a nice city scape view. Plus then the building directly below me is a retirement home, so it's nice and quiet but bloody well located for transport links.
But, in spite of this I did get one positive viewing, a lady who said that the flat ticked all the boxes and now she wanted to check out the value based on the area before getting back to the agency. Given that we've not heard anything since I'm guessing that she was either a phony fibber or else realised that Acton wasn't her "cup of tea" and had looked elsewhere.
*sigh*And so the quest to sell continues...