Friday, October 14, 2005


Bizarrely I've had two things happen to me this week which though inconvenient would have been a lot more troublesome if they had occurred whilst I was off on holiday.

First I woke up on Wednesday morning to find that my fridge-freezer door had popped open at some point during the night and in the process of defrosting itself had left a big puddle of melted ice all over my kitchen floor!

I'm completely to blame though. It's been in dire need of defrosting for weeks now and it was actually quite fun watching the ice build up in the top freezer compartment and start to descend into the fridge section.

Like a glacier slowly pushing, it had decided that down wasn't the only way to go and had pushed out as well. As soon as the door was open into my (always warm) flat, it was like global warming on a smaller scale with floods of huge proportions (for my ant flatmates anyway.)

I had to frantically chip away at the near-impervious ice with a screwdriver whilst keeping an eye on the time as I was running late for work!

But can you imagine if it had happened whilst I was on holiday!?
The ants would have had a free feast. Walking in on a Saturday night, knackered and finding something like that! ARGH!

Actually whilst cleaning the house up last night to make sure there's no chance of any stray crumbs around the kitchen, I spotted a spindly-legged spider surrounded by loads of dead ants in the corner behind one of my cupboards.

So if the poisoned bait doesn't get you, the spider will!

He's my new friend :)


And then earlier on in the week my all-singing, all-dancing heart rate monitor-compass-altimeter-barometer (it tell the time too as an added bonus) watch's battery ran out. Getting one of those in Peru would have been hard and it's amazing how annoying and inconvenient it can get having to rely on others to know what the time is.

The watch is made by Suunto, a Finish company (I think), and I bought it on E-bay from someone with a very good rating (I never buy from anyone below 100, ideally 1000!) for massively less than RRP.

I worried for a day or so that the watch was faulty but one new battery later, everything is hunky-dory. Excellent!

I'm off from work early today so I can actually do my packing. Everything is in a pile at the moment. I've tried using telekinesis to get it to pack itself but it's not working :(

A cab is picking me up at the ungodly hour of 04:30 ! 14 hours flying!

Luckily KLM, who I am travelling with, allow you to check in online and even choose your seats, so that's out of the way. So, leg room seats sorted! Thank you internet!

So thank you for reading and see you all in 2 weeks!

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