Monday, September 26, 2005

Your bag is huge!

I'm trying to to think too hard today. If I do, I start to remember things that happened on Saturday night.

Why, oh why must I become a dancing machine after a few drinks *sigh*

I'm distracting my mind by thinking of happier things such as there being under three weeks until I go to Peru.

I'm slowly working myself through my guide book reading about all the places I'm headed.

Just one minor hassle at the moment is that I still need to sort out anti-malarial tablets. I have a horrible feeling that I'll have to go and see the (not so friendly) nurse at my local health clinic just so that I can get some on a private prescription rather than buying it outright which apparently costs a fortune.

I can't remember what it's called but I have to take tablets for a week before I go and then two weeks afterwards too....With lots of possible side-effects. Oh joy!

I also need to get a holdall to bung all my stuff in. We're traveling around in a mini-bus and my current suitcase (which is American but bought cheaply in a French supermarket in Beijing) is about the size of a mini-bus! I need to buy something a bit smaller.

I got a bit annoyed after work popping into a few luggage shops in Oxford Street when their idea of customer service is to ignore you when you want to talk to them and then ask if you need any help as you're walking out.

"No thank you, I'm just walking out," I mutter under my breath.

I figure that I need a trolley holdall so that I can drag it around most of the time and carry it like a regular bag when that's not possible.

I may pop into Millets on Kensington High Street over the weekend to see if they have anything cheaper than the nice but hugely over priced one that I spotted in Selfridges.


3.1 said...

Brilliant picture! XD

Mara said...

LMAO... ::hums Disco Inferno::

I'd like to see you dance.. way too funny!

Malaria ::shudders::

doobrie said...

There's a new Bacardi ad over in the UK that demonstrates my dance moves perfectly.

"There's no bad dancing" ;)